Professor: Erica Holemen
Fare Easts is a self-made app that was created to assist in reducing food waste within a household. It is applied to the food delivery trend and can transfer groceries and food items from restaurants and grocery stores. It is common knowledge that most food waste comes from restaurants and grocery stores since the leftover food becomes perishables when they are near expiration dates. This app can also create a community that can share leftover ingredients with their neighbors and rate them based on their experience and qualities.
The objective of this project was to create a functional app that tracks, assists, and accomplishes the mission of reducing gas emissions through the way the audience eats. Different ways to accomplish a reduced usage of food waste would be through tracking, cooking at home, or using all waste instead of disposing of it.
The list of grocery stores and restaurants was researched beforehand, comparing prices and items that can be delivered. The extra swashes added to the background and typographic logo determine the homey and comforting aesthetic.
The typographic title was selected and modified to add an organic and comforting aesthetic to the app, along with leaf-like graphics in the background and color theme. Everything is organized by navigational tabs with a messaging forum added to form a community to help each other reduce waste within the app.
The process of sending direct messages to another user within the app goes through a verification process while being able to communicate with each other.
The list of grocery stores and restaurants was researched beforehand, comparing prices and items that can be delivered to the door. The extra swashes added to the background and typographic logo determine the homey and comforting aesthetic
While on the go or in a hurry, the app is accessible to the smartwatch in a scaled-down version. The process of buying groceries or meal deliveries is done at a faster pace while having payment access to Apple Pay.